The history of Puma shoes brand should be recognized

You would never guess it but the history of the Puma shoes company is a dramatic one involving world war, Olympic glory and brotherly strife. The company began humbly enough. Rudolph and Adolf (Adi) Dassler, two brothers from Herzogenaurach, Bavaria, grew up with a father who worked in a shoe factory and a mother who ran a small laundry business. Rudolph left his little brother behind to fight in World War I. He eventually returned to Herzogenaurach in 1924 where he started his own shoe company with Adi called Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory. This was the first incarnation of what would become Puma shoes. The brothers ran the factory out of their mother's laundry business. They were said to use a stationary bicycle to generate power in order to run their equipment.

In 1936 Adi decided to drive across country to the Olympic Village. He had a suitcase full of spikes and a simple plan: convince American sprinter Jesse Owens to wear Dassler Brothers' spikes during the races. Adi was successful, and after Owens went on to win four gold medals that summer Dassler Brothers' athletic puma-elye-shoes were globally in demand.

Unfortunately, World War II was just around the corner. Both brothers joined the Nazi Party, but at some point during the War, they had a falling out. The facts are not abundantly clear, but the split between the two brothers may have had something to do with their different political viewpoints, or Rudolph's belief that he was turned in to the Americans by his brother.

Puma was able to so successfully in professional sports and the perfect blend fashion, the more effective in Pumas international top class design team. He was the senior men's Gucci and Prada designer Neil Barrett, and now the current creative director of Puma.

Friendly Links: Puma Shoes | Puma Outlet | Puma Store

Par coachbagsfactory le lundi 15 août 2011


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